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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Author Interview - Drew Avera

He joined the Navy at age 17 he has worked on F18 fighter jets and has been on the flight deck of several aircraft carriers In his other life, he's also a song writer, a father, a husband, a Rock fan and now a writer...let me not say more, read for yourself...
Please tell us your name?
Drew Avera.
None. I use my real name because it isn't that common especially Avera.
You're right, which makes us curious about your childhood. 
Tell us about your formative years Drew... 
Well, I was born and raised in Mississippi. I moved around a little, in the process attending several schools. Then I went to high school at West Lauderdale High so that’s the one I claim, considering they gave me a diploma when I was done.
Funny! And so where do you live now?
I am in the Navy and live in Virginia.
Now this is getting exciting! Tell us about the Navy, when did you enlist, where have you know the juicy stuff...
Okay, I joined the Navy when I was 17 years old. My rating (job) is Aviation Electrician Mate. I’ve spent my entire career stationed at NAS Oceana since 2001. I have worked on F18’s and now I teach other sailors how to maintain aircrafts as a Navy Instructor for the Super Hornet. I’ve been on three combat  deployments in the past 12 years and I've seen the flight deck of several aircraft carriers.
Man! That's an impressive resume you've got. And is there something phenomenal you've experienced as a Navy?
I’ve seen and heard a lot of things, I don’t know about phenomenal, I will say that seeing other countries will open your eyes to the world. In America there is a stigma regarding Middle Eastern countries, but my time spent in the Middle East has been very pleasant. Also, if you look up at the night sky when you’re in the middle of the ocean you see stars that you never knew existed, it’s very beautiful. I once stood around and watched some balls of light flying around in the sky with a group of friends, none of us knew what they were so we called them UFO’s (I don’t have an opinion about the existence of aliens though).
Ha ha ha you were very quick to clarify that Drew...but I bet it could be a good story line for a novel right? How about family? I'm married, actually I've been married for ten years. And my wife and I have two daughters. 
Lovely. Okay back to book stuff, did you always want to be a writer? If not what did you wanna be?
A rock star!
No kidding!
True, I wanted to be a rock star, then I wanted to be a comic book artist, then I just wanted to be rich. I’ve considered writing since I was a teenager, but I was 30 before I legitimately took a step in that direction. Now it’s a part of me that I want to pursue.
And when did you first consider yourself as a "writer"?
When I finished the first draft of Dead Planet: Exodus.
Your novel Dead Planet: Exodus tell us what is it about and what inspired you to write it? I hope its not the UFO's you mentioned earlier!!!!
It’s about a future where the elite have populated Mars. There is no god, government, religion or anything that ties humanity to anything. The Syndicate controls  every facet of life, they control the population, education, and the economy. If god existed then it would be in the form of the Syndicate according to their rule. They control the Agency which is a police force, they are essentially political assassins who kill on demand. The story follows a man named Serus who is a policeman who discovers that his sister is on the hit list. The book follows his attempt to keep her alive as the world is crashing down around him. And NO - It's not because of the UFO's. I wrote the story because I needed to come up with a plot for NaNoWriMo 2012. I wrote the first draft in twenty days on my I-Phone.
Everyone did you hear that. He wrote his first draft on his I-Phone...and hey I'm not telling you which phone to buy but its something to think about right? Anyways I'm just messing with you people. Back to you Drew,did it take a long time to get it published?
 From starting the plot to hitting the “publish” button was around five months.

And who is your publisher? or do you self publish? 
I am self published using the Kindle Direct Publishing.
 Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a series?
Yes, I am working on book two in the Dead Planet series. There will be a main trilogy and a few novellas in the series.
Which means you believe in your first book, right? So what genre would you place your books into? 
Primarily it is science fiction, but there are so many themes that finding a specific genre is difficult to nail down.
In your own personal experience how is it for a new writer?
It is confusing. I didn't know anything about formatting or promotion or networking at all. I’m learning along the way though.
When writing Dead Planet: Exodus, did you ever suffered from a "writer's block"? What did you do to get past the "block"?
To be honest I don’t suffer from writer’s block, but I have written myself into a corner and had trouble getting out of it. I have an overly active imagination so that helps a lot.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
I play guitar and write music. I also like to read and watch science fiction stuff.
Have you ever based characters on people you know or based events on things that have happened to you?
Yes and no. I take traits from people but I don’t base a character on anyone. I will say that there is a part of me in each character that I write though.
Is there a certain Author that influenced you in writing?
I have been on a huge indie author kick lately. I feel like I’ve walked into the front door of one of the coolest club houses I’ve ever seen. I would say that the advice I receive from these other authors has done more to inspire me as a person than it has my writing. Authors like Hugh Howey, Richard Stephenson, and Tony Ruggiero have helped me a lot with advice.

What is your favorite book and Why?  
I really don’t. I tend to have a hard time finding a favorite, but Batman is my favorite super hero if that helps…
Sure, you said you love comics so it makes sense. Are there any New Authors you are interested in for us to watch out for? and Why should we watch out for them?
Absolutely, you should check out Richard Stephenson and Tony Ruggiero. I've read some of their stuff and it’s good stories supported by a great plot.
What piece of advice would you give to a new writer?
If you want to write then you will make the time to write, the excuses are not acceptable if you expect to achieve anything. That goes for life too.
If your book would be made into a movie what type of would be like which movie?
A friend of mine said my book reminded him of Total Recall, I don’t get where he drew that conclusion from. I would think my story more closely resembles the Hunger Games meets the Matrix. I honestly can’t say that I have a clue about classifying it though.
Personally I loved Total recall and the first two Matrix movies...I found the third a bit flat...So as we wind up where can readers find you and your book?
 My Facebook page:
My Goodreads author page:
Twitter: my book on Amazon:
Drew, it has been a pleasure talking to you. We wish you all the best with your new book and hopefully you'll come back again to talk to us about your success!

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